GST Notification: Changes in GSTR1 API
Below change are applicable for G2B users
In this release “Submit” API will be replaced with “Proceed to file (PTF)” in GSTR1. Now, on calling the “Procced to File” API , summary for that return period will be generated. Unlike Submit where return period freezes after doing submit, after doing Proceed to File user is still allowed to save invoices and perform PTF again to generate latest summary.
Summary is divided into two types. Long and Short Summary. By default, as response to “Get GSTR1 Summary” API short summary will be returned. Short summary will contain only section wise summary and will not have counterparty wise summary. For filing only short summary will be accepted, so only short summary should be sent in filing payload. Long Summary will contain counter party wise summary and it can be used to show counter party wise summary.
Below will be the new flow till Filing for GSTR1
GSRT1 Save APIs -> All – New Proceed to File -> GSTR1 – Get GSTR1 Summary -> GSTR1 – File GSTR1
API Changes
GSTR1 – Submit GSTR1
Submit GSTR1 will be deprecated with the enablement of Proceed to File for GSTR1.
ALL – New Proceed to File
GSTR1 will be added to New Proceed to File API.
GSTR1 – Get GSTR1 Summary
A new parameter “Smrtyp” has been added to this API. Param with value L will get the Long Summary.
If the parameter is not specified, by default short summary will be sent in the response.
In response, summary is divided into individual sections and subsections. For example, B2B is divided now into B2B_4A, B2B_4B, B2B_SEZWOP, B2B_SEZWP, B2B_6C. Please refer to response payload and attributes sheet of the API for more details.
For scenario where user has already submitted or filed, the response for summary will be in old format.
You may refer to version 2.2 of Get GSTR1 Summary API. For return period going forward where PTF is done response will always be in the new format v3.0.
GSTR1 – File GSTR1
Short summary should be used to generate the payload for File GSTR1 API. For scenario where user has already submitted, old summary can be used create the payload